
yellow jacket

"Yellow jacket" (or yellow jacket) in North America is a predatory wasp Vespula and Dolichovespula common name. Members of these species is more simple as "Wasp" in other English-speaking countries. Most of them are black and yellow, some black and white (such as bald faced hornets, Dolichovespula spot), while others may not have a red belly black background color. They can identify the characteristics of marks, small size (similar to the size of a bee). They exist in colonies and have a characteristic rapid side to side flight pattern before landing. Yellow jackets are often mistakenly called "bees." They all women can sting. Important natural enemies of pest yellow jackets, although they can be pests themselves as well. Two. As the yellow jackets pest Eliminate time-consuming and yellow jackets can be unbearable. Yellow jacket (Vespula spp.) May be the only Hornets transmitted diseases can be considered, if you consider the size of its militant and defensive colony. This aggressive yellow jackets are the most obvious is the end of the summer, when the colonies began to collapse and workers find more sugar and sweets, to nourish themselves and their young. Yellow jacket wasp not only toward the end of the season warm demeanor changes, but colony size can be imposing astronomical if left open. In most cases, little wasp predators and scavengers, and this, and large, apply, and yellow jacket, Vespula genus but there are certain species, are often more active than others salvage. Vespula unusual, for example, is one of these clean species, because they clear the behavior, they often come into contact with humans more often than the Hornets, based on the hunting of prey. Three. Basic yellow jacket control * Sometimes to get rid of or reduce the yellow jacket yellow jacket populations, such as the trash is easy to maintain and properly sealed. Your trash is not just stray dogs, stray cats, the occasional raccoon, but also for yellow jacket wasps, which will often throw garbage feed the remaining protein and sugar profits. Meat and fish debris, the yellow jacket is especially gratifying the appetite, as well as popular old bottles, syrup bottles, and fruit. * One way to get rid of yellow jackets is to keep pet food indoors, and other refined protein sources. Like other bees, yellow jackets, truly enjoy the protein, and no more likely to float in the water dish around the protein than the pet food packaging. Keep your dog or cat bowl, in the warmer months, or to find a way to protect the pet food feeding insects, such as yellow jackets and other wasps cleared. * Cans, hummingbird feeders, and other sweets should not be excluded, or should be in such a way as to prevent the acquisition of sugar yellow jacket seal. Yellow jacket on the study done, a lot of refined sugar people, build incredibly large colonies much faster than the colony, its nectar for food to limit their natural food and live prey. * To ensure proper sealing awnings and siding, to get rid of yellow jackets. Strongly recommended, because the hidden nest, especially difficult to get rid of, you may need professional pest control service to obtain entrance in your home siding and roof voids to prevent the yellow jacket. If you can not live life behind the walls of the Hornets, have a professional remove them, you'll like root canal on your wallet. If you are a patient, cold weather will eventually kill the colony, and then you can seal to the entrance of your home without driving wasps. * Machinery, non-toxic trap is a good way to get rid of yellow jackets - or at least reduce the local residents a less obvious level. There are several around the yellow jacket and wasp trap of the theory of the right time, but most experts believe that, should the first few months in the warm season the trap. If you set the trap before the yellow jacket queen began looking for suitable habitat, it is possible to spare killed, a large yellow jacket in your community more colonies. Otherwise, the first few weeks in the summer set traps, should be maintained at a manageable level during the peak season of the yellow jacket population. Four. Natural organic yellow jacket control Wasp traps do their own money, you may not need to buy one of the most effective trap. All you need is an empty 2-liter bottles, scissors, and some sugar water or fruit juice. * The cone cut about 1 / 3 of the way, from the top of the bottle, flip it over, and bound into place, make it look like minnow traps. Then, fill out the bottle of fruit juice concentrate, sugar or soap with a little water, awning, or hanging in your garden, if you like.

